
During the 3 days, the students will be given a case to work on. Some of the question they will be considering includes: What new economic sectors would need to be developed and how would you suggest current sectors should innovate to find an exciting and practical solution for the above and at the same time meeting EDB's objectives?

Of course they will not be left alone to take on this task by themselves. They will go through courseworks by EDB's officers like
  • Developing a business sector in Singapore
  • Land and resource allocation for Singapore
  • Planning for Singapore's manpower needs
  • EDB's Host-to-Home strategy
There will also EDB's friendly officers mentoring the students.

At the end of the 3 days, the students, in their teams, would make presentations to the management of EDB. All viable business plans would be reviewed by the EDB management or by EDB's very own Amoeba teams. And yes of course, we will inform the winning team should any of the ideas be adopted in the near future.

To the winner goes the spoils. The winning team will earn a cash prize of S$4,000. Participating teams will each get S$100 worth of vouchers per team. How awesome is that!